

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. That's all I want in this life. And I think I'll find it....someday. I'm not one of those lucky people that are going to find it in high school. And that's totally okay. Because really, if my idea of love is that immature when I get married, that's extremely disturbing.

Hair. Hair. Hair. Hair. Hair. Seriously, if I had long hair, the luscious kind that I desire so much, then I'll be happy. I've been thinking about visiting Suzanna and Nick in NC, and Suzi's hair actually grows. She has this amazing white blonde hair. And Nick is hoping that I'll have long hair. Actually he doesn't really care that much, but still.....I. Want. It. Waaaaah.

Sick. Sick. Sick. I hate being sick. I've been sick forever now. Going on a solid week of a horrible cough, nasty headaches, body aches, crappy feelings. I'm almost better.

Prom. Prom. Prom. Prom. I just need to be patient. It's just BARELY going to be April tomorrow (MY BIRTHDAY IS SOON!!!!) I want to go so f***ing bad.

Sariah. Sariah. I love that woman. Seriously. It's awesome.

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