


I don't know how it's so easy t0 forget how you were, and who you were, before everything changed. I don't blame you for anything. You were yanked very young from your plug. The lights were shut of forever. There was nothing worth remembering if you could never revisit that chapter of your life. I wish I could fix that. You were so much happier when you had something worth believing in.

But remember who you are now. Because I love the person you are now. Just as I loved who you were then. I will love you no matter who you become.

But let's stop the silence. We never talk anymore. You only call on me when you need me. Not just to talk and enjoy the sound of each other's voices anymore. And quite frankly. You don't know anything about my life anymore. And that's alright. Because you're falling quietly. But let me catch you, if nothing else. Let's come back to the happy medium where I complain a little, you complain a little, we eat Hagen Daaz, ogle over hot men, and giggle about all of our inside jokes. We may be getting older, but we're still part of the legacy of little girls we were when we were 4.

I miss you sweetheart. Lots. And I want you to feel happy. So go to church. Buy a new dress. Stay at home for a semester. Find a new roommate you adore. I love you so much my sweet, beautiful, worthwhile, amazing, intelligent bestie. I just wish you could see it.

You need me.
I need you.
But for now.

I love you Crust.

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