


I worked  a graveyard last night, and though I feel poopy and tired today, I'm happy to have the experience, because now I know how to work every shift at my job.

I don't think I've even announced it on here. I'm awful.

I am currently working as a CNA at Trinity Mission Health and Rehabilitation of Provo. And I absolutely love my job. I joke a lot. About how I wipe butts for a living, but it really is so much more than that. And it makes me feel so happy when I go to work, and get home from work. I really feel like I am helping my residents feel happier, maybe more comfortable, really, making them feel better.

Being a CNA is not for the weak of heart...or stomach. I have seen some incredibly large BM's (Bowel movements. We call them BM's because it gives our residents more dignity, and it's less awkward than asking if they've pooped.), and smelled some pretty weird smells. But it never grosses me out. It makes me feel better that I can help them not lay in their own waste, and feel clean and refreshed.

It's hard being a CNA because you establish relationships with the residents you work with. They become good friends. What makes them smile, makes you happy. And what brings them pain, makes you want to fix everything so they never have to go through that again. It's hard sometimes, because residents are old, and they pass away. I've had that happen recently, and it really made me sad.

You also learn as a CNA, that death is a natural part of the life cycle. And sometimes you feel happy for the resident that passes away, because you know that they are no longer in pain, or confused, or weak. It has really strengthened my personal beliefs in salvation, and the Resurrection.

But as I lay here, partially asleep, I don't regret working NOC (Graveyard) shift. Because as long as my residents are comfortable, than I can sleep later.

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