Dear 17-year-old Alex,
It is your last day as a minor. I hope you did something mildly troublesome. But we both know you didn't. We're going to start this with all the cool shit you accomplished first, then transition into life lessons, and what to avoid for adulthood. Mmkeh? Okay.
Alex, you are one awesome kid. But, with you being about an hour and a half away from adulthood, I figure I should recognize you for each major accomplishment you achieved in your life so far.
Birth-You survived. Congratulations. You were delivered in a hospital to loving parents.
1-You've managed to walk and say you're first word....doggie.
2-You showed mom. "My kids don't have the terrible two's?" HA! Lipstick and swirlies were a major accomplishment.
3-You haven't killed your younger sister yet. Good job.
4-You can dress yourself, and take care of animals. Kudos!
5-You started kindergarten. And maintained a little boyfriend.
6-Your little fingers can reach a full octave on the piano, that's awesome.
7-You can win any jumprope competition in the world. Or playground. But it's the same thing.
8-You've started gymnastics. And you're progressing. Fast.
9-Now you're in dance, gymnastics, and piano. Good job kid.
10-Double digits. BAM!
11-You got braces. Not much of an accomplishment, but worth the smile.
12-You've started junior high, and joined orchestra. (: Best decision ever.
13-You're hair is gorgeously curly. Word of advice: Love it. It gets fried later.
14-You're teaching your aerobics class. Kick ass.
15-The cutest little sophomore ever! Honors art is awesome!
16-Can you say license? AP ART.....
17-You fell in love! Good job!
18- ?
As you can see, you were a successful young person. Now, let's talk about what we've learned.
Alex, let's get something straight. You know nothing. At all. But you do know somethings. I realize this doesn't make sense. Let me explain.
You do not know all. You do not know what it's like to go to college, be married, be poor, balance a real job and school, or even know what it's like to have a debit card. DO NOT PRETEND LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE THINGS. DON'T BE A DUMBASS.
You do know what it's like to really be happy, what it really means to hurt, how to drive a car, how paying for medicare sucks, and that being in love is awesome. You also know how to be a good sister, and sometimes a good friend. You may not have lots of them, but you have enough.
What have we learned this year, Alex? Hm? You had to learn how to be by yourself and be okay. All your friends graduated, and you learned that sometimes being alone isn't a bad thing. You had time to learn more about yourself, and accept yourself for who you are.
You learned what it really means to hurt. No explanation needed.
You learned how to look fear in the eye, and tell it you won't back down.
You learned what it really means to be a member of your family. What it means to be a good sister and daughter, and that loyalty is always important, no matter what the situation is.
You learned to be a better listener. Listen with your ears, and not your head.
You learned that it's okay to fall in love, and look, you met Dave.
You learned how to be Alex.
Credit cards are not free money. Use cash or a debit card.
Your metabolism does not last forever. So eat healthy, fatty (:
It will seem tempting, but don't sell plasma. It's worse than donating blood, and we know how you react to that.
Unnecessary stress. So don't force yourself to make gigantic decisions.
Depression. It's okay to feel sad sometimes, but be happy.
You are a beautiful and incredible person. I am honored to have been able to share in your journey this past year. I know you will become a successful adult, have a good career, marry a good person, be a good mom, and live a good life.
Never ever ever ever ever ever ever give up. Because even if the world gives up on you, don't you dare give up on yourself.
Now, go eat a cupcake, or go to bed, or smile goofy, or something.
Oh and one more thing.
Happy birthday.
I love you.
Alexandria Katherine Judd
Dreamer, Writer, Artist, Musician, Hippie, Goofie. Alex.