


That's what I call Suzi and i. She my best friend in the universe, and she's coming in a few months just to visit me!!! (And some other select individuals)

Z and I met when we were 4. We've basically been best friends since then.

Don't fool yourself. We haven't always been thrilled with each other. There was a period in 5th grade where we were grounded from each other, and a period in 6th grade, where we had some outside conflicts interrupting our flow of friendship. Her name will not be disclosed. BUT! We remained friends through thick and thin. The best part though, is that even though sometimes we hate each others guts, we always love each other. I find that you tend to hate the people you love most. You know what I mean? Because you love them so unconditionally, that when they make you mad, they make you explosively mad. Hahahahaha,.

                                                              (We're a little spazzy)
 But these last couple of years especially, we have had serious bonding. We got really really close in 8th and 9th grade. Those 2 years, I all but lived at her house. That was until she moved. And even then, we didn't let the miles tear us apart.

But she's coming to visit! And this year there hasn't been a time where I've needed her, and she hasn't been there for me. She's always willing to give me a call to make sure I'm all good (:

                                               (Can you see why I love this girl so much?)

Suzi has some things about her that I admire. And always have.

1.) First, and most importantly, she's my best friend. And that's no easy task. Sometimes I'm  a pain in the ass. I can be pushy, and obnoxious, and grumpy. But she laughs it off, or tells me to knock it off.
 2.) She's a really good sister to her sisters. She's the oldest of 4 girls. That would probably kill me. But she's always doing things with her cute sisters. And genuinely enjoys it. Or is really good at faking it.
3.) She's hysterical. We laugh constantly!!! Oh my heck!!!! We laugh all the time.
4.) She's really really ridiculously good looking. (And she appreciates Zoolander) Honestly, she's the sexiest, prettiest girl I know.
And finally.
She's my best friend. Through everything. The rocky bits, and the smooth bits. But she's always there.

I can't wait for you to come Z!!!!

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