And it's easy to make assumptions about how we've all handled our lives.
Dave and I were leaving Orem Walmart at about 2am. And there was a man going around the parking lot asking for money. He had a sign that asked for food or money. As we drove away, we stopped at McDonalds. We ordered some food, spent a few dollars, and circled back around the parking lot and found the man.
As we pulled up, he was talking to another man, received a few dollars, and the man that gave him the few dollars gave him some resources to find a job.
We called the man over to our car. We told him we didn't have cash, but we had a big Mac and some fries if he wanted them. He thanked us several times, admitted he was hungry, and happily took the food. It broke my heart to see a grown man's eyes get misty as he took a McDonald's meal.
He told us his story. Briefly, but his story nonetheless.
And it dawned on me.
It's easy for us to judge the homeless. It's easy to make assumptions about why they are they way they are. They probably drink. Do drugs. They are lazy. They gave up.
...But how is that at all what Jesus taught us?
Feed the hungry.
Help the poor.
Clothe the naked.
These are all things that we have heard our entire lives.
Everyone has a story. Especially the homeless. If we could listen for 2 minutes. And be like Jesus and try to help them. Even if that is finding resources. Maybe our hearts would grow a little bigger.
I love this.