


I'm too tired to sleep,
Too irritated to talk,
Too grumpy to text,
Too happy to smile,
Too sad to cry,
Too confused to ask.

Just kidding.

I'm actually happy. My arizona cousins are here, and I'm so EXCITED!!!!! Nick is sitting next to me right now, and even though his attitude can drive me nutty at times, he's basically the coolest kid in the world (When he's not texting his girlfriend)

Grayce is my favoritest little girl ever!!!! She worships me, and makes me feel so special. She looks up to me, and I love it. (:

My aunt raquel is so nice. She's always been one of my favorite aunts. She's just so herself, and even when life is kicking her ass, she still smiles, and keeps moving.

I'm so excited to spend the week with them.

Love you guys!!!!!

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