

Burnt out.

Have you ever realized, that all of your friends are better at everything than you are? Every single little thing.

Somehow I thought I was unique in that I was artistic, and musical. And really, just myself. But I've come to realize, that I'm really not all that special of a person. Every single thing I do, one of my friends is better at, or everything I do rather.

Writing. It's what I do to get my mind off of things when I feel sad or frustrated. And of course. I have a friend who's writing is so amazing, it makes me want to vomit on a regular basis. Suze is such and amazing writer. It's not even fair. Granted, she writes continually, and she basically loves it more than life, I always feel lame when I read her my stuff, because hers will always be so much better.

Music. Oh Hell. I fail at music. I used to think I was the best in the world. Because I've been playing piano since I was 2. Taking lessons since I was 4. Most people think I'd be at concert level by now, but I'm not. Because I'm a lazy ass who hates to practice. Nina's always been better at the violin, and so has suzanna, but the funny thing is, suz, and nina, and I all started guitar at about the same time. I started even before they did. And I quickly fell behind. They're both so damn musical. Nina can read any tab, and be able to play anything. And Suz can play anything just by ear. I'm sick of music. Thank goodness I decided to take orchestra....

Art. Oh goody. I suck. Maryn obviously is an art god. But suzanna and my styles are so different, and so similar, that it sucks that she's so much better than me. Not that it's a hard thing to accomplish...

Poetry.. Hahahahahaha. Nina is crazy amazing at it. I don't know why I'm even comparin myself to her. It's not even right, because if I think about it, she's always been better at it.

Being smart. I've always struggled with math, and of course, suzanna is taking calculus. As I REPEAT It again, because I was too big of an idiot to get it the first time around.

Photography. Nina's better at it. Hahah. Not that that's a surprise.

Basically I'm kind of talentless. All of my friends are amazing at everything, so I'll just hide in their shadows. It's easier to do anyway.

Oh well.


  1. wow alex. who is better is just a matter of opinion in most cases. you're good at everything. you're just too hard on yourself

  2. I'm flattered that you like my work, but I'd never want to discourage you! Your style is great and awesome and fabulous and YOU. ARE. TALENTED.Your poetry knocks off my nonexistant socks every time I read one!

    But I know EXACTLY how you feel! It's frustrating, cause you feel like everyone is soooo awesome and you are sooo lame, but it isn't truuuue!
