

What's In My Bag Day!!! (12)

So I have 3 bags that I use regularly. So I'll go through each of them (:

1. Moccasin Bag AKA Bag I shop with:
-Exotic Lotion
-2 Victoria's Secret Lip Glosses (I found them!!)
-2 Pens
-Memory Card and Reader
-Estee Lauder Lipstick
-Black Hair Tie
-3 of My Big Bobbie Pins (YESSSSSS!!!!!!!)

2. My Massive Semi-Awkward Black and Silver Bag
-Tiny First Aid Kit
-1 Christmas Earring
-Empty Package of Gum....No gift.
-Cologne Sample (I'm a sucker for a great smell for MEN!!!)
-The Other Christmas Earring
-4 Pens
-A Broken Pencil
-An Orange Sharpie
-A Sucker
-Vanilla Hand Sanitizer
-Clinique Bright Pink Lipstick (Ahem.....Valentine's Day is coming up)
-A Used Gift Card
-Hello Kitty Keychain
-Black Smelly Chapstick (For emergencies!!)
-Sparkly Lipgloss
-2 pennies
Conclusion: I seriously need to clean out my bag....
3. My Backpack
-My Baba!!!!
-A Floral Bobbie Pin
-2 HealthScience Worksheets
-My Report Card.....3.6 Baby!!!!!!
-2 Empty Packs of Gum....Damn..
-My Photography Portfolio
-Mac Lotion Sample
-Mac Business Card
-ACT Prep Packet
-Of Mice and Men
-My Orange Wallet. (I'll dissect that later in life)
-My Planner
-My Final Grade on my stupid SOB paper...
-Old sketches
-Math Notes
-Computer Tech Notes
-My..Journal??? What the hell? Why is that in there!!!!
-Abella Bridal Postcard
-2 Bride Magazine's (I...LOVE....Wedding dresses. And color scheme's)
-The biggest notebook in the world
-4 Pens
-Sharpie Pen
-Another Chapstick

Wow....I'm Messy!!!!!!

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